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On: 2011 / 01 / 14
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A few days ago, the fine folks from DigWP have published a .htaccess trick to enable logging in from instead of

Their trick is perfectly valid, yet improvable: it requires editing of the .htaccess, a file you don't want noobs to mess with. So my thoughts were: "OK, that's nice and everything, but a simple plugin would be cleaner, easier for beginners, and more portable". Let's do this?

Rewrite API to the rescue

There's an API in WordPress that's exactly designed to create rewrite rules in a more convenient and dynamic way than having to play with the .htaccess file: the Rewrite API.

The Rewrite API is the part of the WordPress engine that handles all the internal URL rewriting, to have neat stuff like instead of In the admin area, the Permalink Settings that allow you to specify your Pretty Permalink structure (for instance /%year%/%month%/%postname%/) leverage that API.

The original .htaccess trick is simply to rewrite /login to /wp-login.php, or, in plain English: "if someone requests the URL 'login', then show them the content of wp-login.php". The bit to add to your .htaccess is:

  1. RewriteRule ^login$ [NC,L]

There's a simple function in the Rewrite API which job is exactly to create this kind of rewrite rules: add_rewrite_rule()

Create a rule with add_rewrite_rule()

This function, to be found in wp-includes/rewrite.php, has the following syntax and parameters: add_rewrite_rule( $regex, $redirect, $after ) where

  • $regex is a string that contains the Regular Expression (or RegEx) to match requests
  • $redirect is a string for the location to redirect to
  • the optional $after specifies where to add the rule in the list: 'bottom' (default) if you want your RewriteRule to be matched after everything has failed, or 'top' if you want it to have greater priority and eventually supersede potentially conflicting rules (for instance if you have a page titled "Login")

So, basically, all it takes to programatically create the rewrite rule for our Pretty Login URL plugin is the following snippet:

  1. // Create new rewrite rule
  2. add_action( 'init', 'wp_ozh_plu_rewrite' );
  3. function wp_ozh_plu_rewrite() {
  4.     add_rewrite_rule( 'login/?$', 'wp-login.php', 'top' );
  5. }

The regexp used here will match 'login', 'login/' but not 'login/somethingelse'.

Complete plugin: Pretty Login URL

There's a little catch with rewrite rules in the Rewrite API: for performance reasons, they are not generated every single time WordPress instantiates and displays a page. For this reason, when you create or deregister a rewrite rule, you need to "flush" the list to force a refresh. Therefore, the complete plugin will monitor activation and deactivation to make sure the list is flushed when appropriate

downloadable plugin from

And that's it. You like?

That's probably the most simple and bare bones example of use of the Rewrite API you can think of, and this API contains a lot more powerful functions to create permalink structures, custom feeds and funky rewrite tricks.

If you liked this article, hey, I have some news for you: my upcoming book Professional WordPress Plugin Development will have a whole chapter on the Rewrite API, full of hands-on detailed examples and real life cases. Buy it now! ;)

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This entry "Pretty Login URL: a Simple Rewrite API Plugin Example" was posted on 14/01/2011 at 4:33 pm and is tagged with , , ,
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39 Blablas

  1. Eric says:

    Fantastic tutorial, and it does a fantastic job of incorporating the activation/deactivation hooks as well (which is the key point glossed over in most other examples … sadly including my own).

    Yet another reason I'm looking forward to reading the advanced plug-in dev book!

  2. Craig says:

    This is for a site install in the root directory, correct? I installed my blog in a sub-folder of the root as suggested in a WP security article. Would the code have to be altered to point at the wp-login file which is now one folder removed from the root?

  3. Ozh says:

    Craig » This works fine either with WP installed normally at the root on in a subdir, but it probably won't work (untested) if you can access the site on its root ( while having WP installed in as explained here. In such a case, the rewrite rule would probably be add_rewrite_rule( 'login/?$', '/wordpress/wp-login.php', 'top' ); but, again, untested.

  4. MadtownLems says:

    Tested in multisite without sending people to the root blog's login page? :)

  5. thompson says:

    Hey Ozh, Is it possible to set up a different permalink structures for a given post type? For example, my permalink structure for posts is %postname%, which I want to keep. But for my 'recipe' custom post type, I'd prefer to use /%postname%/%post-id%.

  6. Thanks for writing this up. Honestly, it's one of the parts of WordPress I have little/no experience with. I'll usually jump straight into .htaccess to accomplish similar things on a per-project basis. Actually understanding the Rewrite API would allow me to create portable rewrites which would be awesome. Can't wait for the book to really dig into this topic!

  7. Ozh, this is really great, thank you so much for turning this into a simple plugin!

  8. Chris Coyier says:

    Excellent. Thanks for taking this further. I'll update the original article.

  9. geminorum says:

    how about adding wp-signup.php too?

  10. Ozh says:

    geminorum » now you should be able to figure that out, right? Right?

  11. Travis says:

    Ozh, I'm assuming that adding the following after line 27 should accomplish the same for /admin and /wp-admin.php, yes? I tried it, but didn't achieve the desired result. Any suggestions?

    1. add_rewrite_rule( 'admin/?$', 'wp-admin.php', 'top' );
  12. Jamal Mohamed says:

    I don't know if its misfortune, voodoo, or anything in that company, but this seems not to work on WP multi-site installations.

    It works fine on single WordPress sites, but on MS it throws horrible 404 error whenever I try to access

    1. domain.ext/login/


    1. sub.domain.ext/login/

    or even

    1. domain.ext/site2/login/

    I just wanted to know if its the same for everyone or just me.

  13. Pete says:

    Yes, I like! Thanks :)

  14. iMp says:

    I also want to know just like Travis

  15. Ozh says:

    iMp & Travis » there is no "wp-admin.php" file. It's either "wp-login.php" or "wp-admin/index.php". Note that sending to the login form or the admin area is exactly the same: if logged, user sent to the login form is redirected instead to the admin area ; a user sent to the admin area is redirected to the login form is not logged.

  16. Travis says:

    Well, don't I feel silly!

    Thanks for the followup comment, Ozh.

  17. Stacy says:

    @ Jamal Mohamad, it doesn't work for my MS install either.

  18. D.K. says:

    This should be a core feature, so I've added it to the WordPress ideas.

    If you agree vote for it on

  19. troy says:

    What would I have to do to get it to work in an instance where WordPress is installed in a sub folder ( but would still want to login from the root (

  20. Troy says:

    Nevermind, I seem to have done it by adding the directory before /wp-login.php in .htaccess for the root alone.

  21. Ozh says:

    D.K. » This won't ever be a core feature. People who need this can simply add this plugin.

  22. rapetou says:

    pour ce cette modif marche, il faut la placer au début du fichier .htaccess.


  23. Cas says:

    I tried to get this running on a MU install placing the rewrite function in a mu-plugin. No result. The main site's "new" login-URL http://my-site.tld/login/ produced a 404. Did I miss something? Running latest WP version, other URL-rewrites (permalinks) working fine as usual. I use sub-directories as Blog-URLs, though, like http://my-site.tld/blog-name.

  24. Andkon says:

    I really like your work, I alwayz love the ohz-admin dropdown menu you create. It is much organize than using the side left bar panel. Anyway, about your login, I hope there is a screen shot how it looks like. I will always be a fan of your work.

  25. Peter Truong says:


    I am new to wordpress and a very basic user. I am learning tho :)

    I cannot find the .htaccess file anywhere. I want to change the login slug.

    I host my site with Crazydomains, and access the files and folders there via the cPanel file manager, but searched everywhere in vain for this htaccess file.

    Is there another way I can search for this file?


  26. Has anyone gotten this to work with WP Multi-site?

    I've searched Google for an hour and can't find any good reason why this wouldn't be working in WPMS.

  27. AZRainman says:

    Kudos to you! I was messing around for a couple hours and wondering why I couldn't get the rewrite rule to function properly. The flush process is what all the other pundits failed to mention.

    Thanks for the plugin. I wish I would of came here first.

  28. Y3 says:

    You have the best plugin ever, I have been having your Ohz plugin since I started my wordpress project. the navigation control on the backend is much friendlier to used rather the original left sidebar of wordpress, and its updated to the latest version of wordpress of 3.2 Brilliant! Super Amazing! I hope you will continue your kindness to everyone!

  29. Mike says:

    It's not working with BuddyPress :(

  30. Y3 says:

    There is no doubt that this code really works.. ozh has been made my site totally great to handle.. its been a year already since enjoying your plugins. your totally one of the best plugins developer….10 star for ozh!

  31. Poptropica says:

    A brillaint and a helpful tutorial. I love to see more of your code.. Thanks a lot ozh.. a great artist in the world of coding!

  32. Finally got an answer for WP Multisite users…

    Rather than try to use Ozh's plugin (with Multisite), this is much better handled by a true rewrite rule, something like:

    1. RewriteRule ^login/?$ /wp-login.php [NC,L]


    Using WP's built in rewrites is not such a good idea because you have to flush the rules option for every single blog, which is why the plugin doesn't work for Multisite users.

  33. Affan says:

    What if you want to send some query parameters?
    redirect admin/?try=1 to wp-admin.php?try=1

  34. rudolf says:

    ok, i'm testing this on my machine (osx 10.6.8 + MAMP 1.9), but i guess it's not an issue

    1. the home (localhost:8888) and the siteurl (localhost:8888/site) are… different, the rewrite rule should be

    1. RewriteRule ^site/login/?$ /site/wp-login.php [QSA,L]


    1. RewriteRule ^login/?$ /site/wp-login.php [QSA,L]

    but not as it is doing right now

    1. RewriteRule ^login/?$ /wp-login.php [QSA,L]

    this extra code solve this issue

    1. $home = get_option('home');
    2. $siteurl = get_option('siteurl');
    3. $diff = -1*(strlen($siteurl)-strlen($home));
    4. $urlogin = ($diff==0) ? 'wp-login.php' : substr($siteurl, $diff+1).'/wp-login.php';        
    5. add_rewrite_rule( 'login/?$', $urlogin, 'top' );

    2. is it just me, or the rule is not being deleted on de-activation?

    3. and, again, just me, or the rule is being written in the middle of the #WORDPRESS block?

    well, looks like issues 2 and 3 are some handicap in wordpress core, i've checked the documentation, tried other functions combinations, to no avail…

  35. HCE says:


    I'm new to WordPress and have no background in coding.

    I understand this plugin allows you to change the /wp-login, but does it also change the /wp-admin? When I'm logged in to my Dashboard I notice the url is /wp-admin/index.php and everything I click on has /wp-admin in the url. EX: Pages = /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page. My main goal is to change the /wp-admin. Please advise.


  36. marlboro888 says:

    Am I the only one get 404 page? Tried to make it work but no luck! :|

  37. Z says:

    No, you are not Marlboro.

    I have the same problem. Getting a 404.

    I even tried to restart Apache Server. No luck.

    My site is in the root. domain/wp-admin works fine. But after installing plugin domain/login should work. But it doesn't. :(

  38. Best Coccyx Cushion says:

    Thanks very much for creating a very simple but very good security plugin for non technical users like me. I love this plugin.

  39. Arnaldo says:

    Did anyone get to solve the issue on multisite installation?
    It really doesn't work on MS. I can only get 404s.

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