On: 2008 / 02 / 14
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If you don't have an SVN install to play with next WordPress version (the upcoming 2.5 milestone), someone is here to help. Chris Johnston has set up a WP 2.5 demo site so you can log in the admin area and see what's changing in there. New colors, new look, new menus, new interface: this version will bring a lot of visual changes in the backend.

WordPress 2.5 Preview

Log in with admin / demo as a username / password combination, and play around. Don't be afraid of breaking thing, everything is reverted to a fresh empty install every hour or so.

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This entry "WordPress 2.5 : Preview the Admin Area" was posted on 14/02/2008 at 9:31 am and is tagged with
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One Reply

  1. Joe says:

    Personally whats wrong wiht the blue interface that we have now? This one is just too simple, and ugly.

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