In: , , , ,
On: 2007 / 10 / 10
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Yet another minor update for Who Sees Ads which was requested by people using popularish and conflicting plugins: ImageManager and WP-Contact-Form.

Current version of Who Sees Ads, 1.2.2, adds support for WP-Contact-Form's terrible code. I hate to say this and I mean no offense to Ryan who wrote the plugin, but the code is really pretty bad and is likely to create conflicts with any other plugin. The sad thing is, the author's website is basically dead since several months (at least february 2007) so chances are the plugin won't be updated. I recommend to avoid this plugin. There are a lot of alternatives and many of them are still actively maintained.

The other conflicting plugin, ImageManager, is also prone to conflicting with any other plugin using the javascript library Prototype. I contacted the author with a few suggestions of improvement, and I hope he will reply positively.

So, basically, if you didn't notice any trouble with version 1.2+ of Who Sees Ads, don't bother upgrading. Next version of this plugin will be probably more chunky: I'll add support for widgets, more options and a few other display rules, all things that were suggested by readers. If you have some smart suggestion or feature request, feel free to drop them in the comments !

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This entry "Who Sees Ads Update (and more to come)" was posted on 10/10/2007 at 11:24 pm and is tagged with , , , ,
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4 Blablas

  1. Karthik says:

    Awesome Ozh, thanks a lot!

  2. Karthik says:

    Sorry to be such a bother, but there was one other problem for my setup earlier – I can't use the TinyMCE Editor when I have Who Sees Ads enabled. Again, it works on version 1.0. I followed your advice and disabled the Contact form plugin, but no dice. It works if I disable WSA though :(

    Again, I love this plugin and I know it would have taken you hours on end to get it to work at this level – I just want to say thanks!

  3. Ozh says:

    Karthik » indeed, some javascript seems to be breaking TinyMCE. Damn. Means I'll have to investigate into this bloated thing I hate :) Thanks for the notice, I'm hoping to release 1.3 in the next few days and hopefully it will fix this.

  4. Karthik says:

    np Ozh, I'd love to help you on this any day – this is a very good plugin, more powerful than any I've seen before – I'm glad you're still giving this out for free tbh, there may well be people who would pay for such a wonderful thing!

    Do keep up the good work and thanks for taking my suggestions into consideration earlier :)

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