In: , ,
On: 2005 / 11 / 28
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Robert Scoble (Microsoft's Technical Evangelist) has published the list of blogs he reads (collection of feeds in a zipped OPML file) (via)

Now seriously, who can actually manage a 781 entries blogroll ? If only half of them update daily, and if Scoble spends just 30 seconds on each updated feed, that's more than 3 hours spent daily on reading feeds.

My feed reader tracks about 120 feeds and I sometimes feel it's too much. How many feeds do you check ?

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This entry "Scoble’s Blogroll" was posted on 28/11/2005 at 12:33 pm and is tagged with , ,
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5 Blablas

  1. Myjutsu says:

    30 pour moi (que je lis reellement) un peu + sinon!!!

    781 c'est pour la frime ! (Ou alors il veut prouver qu'il fou vraiment rien de ces journées)

  2. I'm at 284.

    Re: Scoble. You have to realize that that is all he does is read blogs and write to his blog.

  3. Jennifer says:

    I have 107 feeds I check daily with Bloglines. This list grows about 3 feeds a week.

  4. Jennifer says:

    Ok, the sad thing is … out of 781 blogs, mine isn't on there! lol

  5. Olaf Gerken says:

    Who is this nice sweet guy in the header?

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