In: , ,
On: 2005 / 09 / 28
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The talented Marco, a Pivot user, is looking more and more at the WordPress side of the world, and has recently released two anti-spam plugins that could be the invicible combo to defeat online casinos and other winnies enlargers.

  • WP SpamQuizz adds a little simple question to comment fields, sort of an highly customisable accessible captcha
  • WP Hardened Trackback is trickier : it generates on demand a unique trackback URL that will be valid for 15 minutes and for a single entry

This combination looks very promising, as well as being painless for users which is more important than all. I'm probably going to implement both here when I have some time.

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This entry "Anti-Spam Plugin Combo" was posted on 28/09/2005 at 10:54 am and is tagged with , ,
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4 Blablas

  1. Marco says:

    Thanks for the heads-up! Stay tuned for Taggerati which is, even though WP Forum seems to have some doubts the very best plugin I've ever made.

  2. Marco says:

    This is highly off topic but: Does mail I send to you ever reach your inbox? I send several mails over the past weeks…

    In order to make sure you read this I'll post this here:

    Do you know how to generate a custom RSS feed based on an arbitrary array of post ID's? Can it be done? Let me know!

  3. Ozh says:

    Marco » No, I've received none :/
    As for your question : well, that's pretty much what wp-rss2.php does.
    Consider the following code :
    require ('./wp-blog-header.php');
    That's all it takes to build an RSS feed for category "shorties".
    You would simply have to "populate" $wp_query->posts with data from your post selection and you're done.

  4. Marco says:

    Crap.. I tried to post code but it didn't work.
    I have this so far:

    But I can't get the $wp_query object to select only the posts I want. Maybe you have some insights?

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