In: , , , ,
On: 2005 / 08 / 21
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I went on my computer quite early on this Sunday morning — thanks kids for reminding me at 6:30 AM that there are more productive stuff to do than sleeping :P — with loads of ideas to work and code at. Suddenly, I felt like I urgently had to give Planet Planet a try, just curious to see how this stuff works (this is what powers, for example)

About an hour later something that was not part of my plans comes out, but it's still cool. This piece of software works like a charm, requires practically no knowlegde of anything, and produces neat things like this one : another WordPress Planet

For those who don't know, is aggregating feeds from a small team of hand picked developpers and contributors. It's cool. But the thing is, there are dozens, hundreds, of other WordPress users around the world who create things for WordPress, write plugins, suggest things, express ideas. I want to read about them too.

Basically, WordPress Planet is like the original and mother planet, except that it's not closed invite-only, it's free to join. It's less l33t. But it's more open :)

I made this aggregation planet for my personnal use, but of course feel free to use it : read it, add it to your feed reader, add it to your blogroll.

There is only one rule if you want your site to be added to the planet : have a feed that gathers posts about WordPress, and only WordPress (or any narrower topic within WordPress : plugins, themes, etc…) Nothing filed under category "Blogging Tools" or "The Blogosphere" that will also contain stuff about WordPress and other things related to blogs in general. I want to read about WordPress only :)

Ok, I lied, there is another rule to be added : you must send me a mail with your feed URL and I'll have to accept your applying. Consider applying if you have already a few on topic posts, but don't be shy, I'm very curious about everything WordPress :)

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This entry "Planet WordPress" was posted on 21/08/2005 at 2:18 pm and is tagged with , , , ,
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13 Blablas

  1. IO ERROR says:

    It would help if your link to send you a mail actually worked. :) Please add my new blog's feed in. Thanks!

  2. Ozh says:

    It does work :) (from the web page at least, not from a feed or anywhere else)
    Thanks for the suggestion anyway, I'm adding it

  3. Jared Quinn says:

    Mail link still doesn't seem to be working? Just seeing a "javascript:mailto();"

  4. Ozh says:

    The javascript link was working. I've replaced it with a more traditionnal mailto: link.
    (and be sure to write a few stuff about wordpress before applying :)

  5. Linna says: is where i got my template [equix], spanish content but good stuff.

    ps: i love your plugins :D

  6. Quix0r says:

    My tagged RSS feed about WordPress is here:

    Is there any "Planet-WordPress button" in 80×15 dimension available which I can download and use for backlinking to your site? I haven't seen it so far.

  7. Elad says:

    Great idea :)
    Can you let me know how this site works? How do you collect the feeds into WordPress?


  8. Quix0r says:

    @Elad: There is a – in my view – good one: BDP RSS Aggregator. Just Google for it. ;)

  9. Matt says:

    OZH, do the posts have to be written in English or do you accept content in French as well ? Just wondering.

  10. Ozh says:

    Matt » I used to run (planete) for French wordpressers as well, but stopped it because of lack of content, lack of interest from me, and lack of promotion from which I've never really understood. So, in short : no, english posts please :)

  11. Hey Ozh!

    would be great if you could add our site to this feed too please :)


  12. DG says:

    I use wordpress with my customers all the time. Thanks for the resource information.

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