In: , , ,
On: 2005 / 04 / 16
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Major redesign complete ! If you're not a first time visitor, you probably didn't notice anything, but the whole site has been redesigned.

Visually, almost nothing has changed, except for a few things here and there. The most noticeable one is that I'm now making use of gravatars in the comments, little "avatars" than can represent you all over the web. Go sign up for a free one if you haven't already !

Besides this, I converted my site into a proper WordPress theme (it was still a mix of dirty hacks and files from my first install with WP 1.02 one year ago). The css is clean, the source contains no javascript, and all the javascript actions are dynamically created at load time. I borrowed a lot from Phonophunk, one of the best designed blog I know, and whose .css and .js have been my daily read for some weeks :) The whole stuff, of course, as if it were important, validates as xhtml-anything.

Any comment on this site layout ("ok", "sucks", "cool" ?) is very welcome !

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This entry "Redesign" was posted on 16/04/2005 at 9:03 pm and is tagged with , , ,
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17 Blablas

  1. Polo says:

    Alors il fonctionne mon gravatar ?

  2. Ozh says:

    A l'aise !

  3. BB2k says:

    vu que pas mal de chose ne changent pas, c'est difficile a dire =). Par contre l'intgration des gravatars avec ombre portée est excellente.

  4. Ozh says:


  5. dju` says:

    ok, cool, but it sucks.

  6. Ronald says:

    Lovely but still no rss feeds?

  7. Ozh says:

    RSS feeds are available since the very beginning
    Looks for the links at the bottom of the sidebar, there are plenty of uberl33t tiny buttons :)

  8. Ronald says:

    Strange. Firefox don't detect them, and Sage (firefox plugin feedreader) idem. But I see them now. More lovely :)

  9. Ozh says:

    Rather strange indeed, my own Firefox adds the "Add Live Bookmarks RSS l33t Stuff" in the bottom right corner …

  10. BOK says:

    Let's test this once more…

  11. BB2k says:

    no detection for Firefox on my computer as for BOK :/.

  12. Ozh says:

    Strange, guys. Here is a screenshot of my firefox showing the RSS icon (FF 1.0 under linux)

  13. RaiL-FleX says:

    I also get the RSS/Atom icon with FireFox 1.0.3 either under windows or under GNU/Linux.

  14. BB2k says:

    ok ! got it !

    whatch your URL : and not =). I tried and firefox gave me the little RSS icon =)

  15. Ozh says:

    ffs Rail-Flex caisse t'attends pour te chopper un gravatar !

  16. RaiL-FleX says:

    Ah ouais tiens pourquoi pas, tant que ça fait augmenter le degré de g33kitude …

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