In: , , ,
On: 2004 / 11 / 18
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For the second time, I'm a father. Oscar, 2½ years old, has now a little brother, named Cyrus, who was born on Monday the 15th of November. Cyrus ? Geeks will recognize an IMAP server, litterates will think about the founder of the Persian Empire, mistypers will wonder about a cloud, but we didn't think of any of these, we just liked the name :)

Welcome Cyrus and long live to you !

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This entry "Hello Cyrus" was posted on 18/11/2004 at 12:50 am and is tagged with , , ,
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  1. dju` says:

    Woohooo! En fait ouais, ca me faisait penser à Cyrus-SASL bien sûr, mais du coup ce serait plutôt Cyrus-SARL =) Au fait, c'est quand la Saint Cyrus? Bises aux parents et félicitations!

  2. Ozh says:

    St Cyrus : apparemment le 31 janvier selon plusieurs sources de l'internet multimedia interactif.

  3. Yoda-BZH says:

    Hé mais, KIKOOOOOO Cyrus !!!!!!!! :)))

  4. cjp says:

    Congrats. Really like the name too!

    I wish all the best to you all.

  5. Hanni says:

    Congratulationz Ozh! He's beautiful.
    All the best.

  6. RaiL-FleX says:

    Re-Félicitations à vous deux, bon courage pour la suite ! :)

    Et tous mes voeux de santé et de bonheur à Cyrus (tout en sachant qu'il vaut mieux Cyrus qu'un seul Russe …)

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