In: ,
On: 2004 / 06 / 25
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Offline for a month ! I'm going on holidays (again ??) and this time on a more "local" trip : South of France for a week, there to have a few sun and sea baths with my 2 years old son Oscar, then 2 weeks in Malta with as much windsurf and scuba diving as possible.
Enjoy your holidays, too :)

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This entry "Offline for a month" was posted on 25/06/2004 at 1:14 am and is tagged with ,
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2 Blablas

  1. dju` says:

    mmm ca sert à quoi un weblog pour dire qu'on est tout le temps /away ?
    gg ozh et bonnes vacances o/

  2. RaiL-FleX says:

    Bonne wacances ! (bon plan de partir avant le grand rush de l'été)

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